As already know, Palestinian people are still facing the genocidal war conducted by Israel Zionists for the last year. There are many efforts launched by international organizations such as the United Nation and International Court Justice to stop this tragedy, but it is always end in failure. And even worse the Israeli government try to escalate the war by attacking Lebanon.
The Palestinian dream of being free and having normal life is still far away, particularly for Gaza City. The death toll because of this war has already surpassed 40.000 citizens, including babies, children, elderly and innocent civilians, and apparently will not stop soon.
As a response to that situation, ASEAN Youth in Cooperation with Hidayatullah Youth of East Java and the Islamic College of Luqman al-Hakim Surabaya (STAIL) initiated a small conference to find out the way to contribute to Palestinian freedom. The forum which took place on Zoom meeting with the topic ‘The BDS Movement for Palestine Freedom’ was attended by delegations from 4 countries in Southeast Asia, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Cambodia on Saturday, 9th November 2024.

The organizing committee, Basitul Yadain said in his opening speech that this event aims to connect the youth in ASEAN and to extend support for Palestine’s freedom.
“We are from Hidayatullah Youth of East Java want to say big appreciation to every participant of each country for gathering here and I hope we can strengthen our bond for the freedom of Palestine.”
Meanwhile, the representative of Philipine Youth (Bangsamoro), Sufly Abbas encouraged the youth of ASEAN to stand for Palestine’s freedom even though with small actions such as Boycotting Israel Affiliated Companies.
“I know it is hard for us as a student to continue advocating this movement, but that kind of little thing can promote of the struggle of Palestinians.” He said.
Fahzy, a Cambodian Youth representative, Syed Ahmad Fathi, as a Malaysian Youth representative and Muhammad Faruq, an Indonesian Youth representative share the same spirit. For them, it is very important to stand with Palestine since many media try to distort the facts and report bias about Palestine. Also, since there is no power in the world that can stop the war, the youth of ASEAN should speak louder and mobilize the people to join the BDS movement as one the the ways to weaken Israel Zionists.

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