Early this month, I had the chance to take the first look on the Unreal Engine 5 premiere, a powerful gaming engine that able to generate the gaming base system by using the real-world photogrammetry, making the graphic to be more realistic and wider gaming world.
Here are the top 6 video games that has powerful and massive map that I ever experienced.
1. Red Dead Redemption II

Red Dead Redemption 2 was released in October 2018, a sequel from the first Red Dead Redemption that was released 8 years before. The graphic of this game is so good that I personally did not find any bugs throughout the playtime. The map is massive with about 75 square kilometers of land that is double the map of Skyrim.
Since the beginning, Rockstar has made it clear that they are not planning to release any expansion map for this game but focusing on the online gaming experience. Hopefully there will be major future update like they did with GTA V that can enhance the map of the game.
2. Cyberpunk 2077

Just hearing on the game’s name is enough to make certain gamers to flip their tables. Regarded as the flop game of the year, Cyberpunk 2077 was released on December last year by CD Projekt. The game’s release date was delayed 3 several times because of the pandemic and if I can quote the cliché excuse from developer, “we are currently working from home”. That’s not all, the fans was furious with the game with many complaints on the unrealistic physics, lagging and bugs, forcing Sony to remove the game from PSN and fully refund the gamers.
Despite all that, it doesn’t change the fact that this game has a wide open world map that about 100-110 square kilometers.
3. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is one of the most hype game that people was talking about last year (including me). It was released on November 2020 by Ubisoft. The game was set in a Anglo-Saxon era with Eivor, a Viking as the main character of the game.
The total map size of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is 140 square kilometers across all 5 areas and it’s mostly landmass. This makes it the biggest Assassin’s Creed game to date, surpassing the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
On May 13, 2021, Ubisoft has released an expansion pack Wrath of the Druids that includes a new map of Ireland, making it even bigger than before. The Ireland map adds a hefty four new regions to the existing Valhalla map. I will for sure will buy this expansion pack.
4. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

The flight simulator from Microsoft is simply the best flying simulator in the market. The Flight Simulator 2020 was developed by Asobo Studio. It was released on August 2020 on PC and will be available on Xbox platform on late this year.
Microsoft has revived its Flight Simulator series after more than a decade, promising gamers a replica of the entire globe to play on. It does so using new AI-driven technology – one that needs a constant fast internet connection to work at its best.
The map size of this game is about 510,072,000 square kilometer; the exact replica of the planet earth to give more realistic flying experience. For those who interested with this simulator, you will need a high end PC for better flying experience.
5. Minecraft

Minecraft is the place where you could build your own kingdom, a perfect game for people to kill time with their creativity. The game was released in November 2011 by Mojang.
For Minecraft’s fans, you will notice that the map for this game is so wide and massive that it seems impossible to reach the edge of the map. The Minecraft world was made up of 256 blocks from the sky to the ground. While, horizontally, the world is 60,000 kilometers by 60,000 kilometers, making a total 600 million square kilometer landmass that 7 times bigger than Earth!
In December last year, Connor Hamilton from Australia has made the longest tunnel in Minecraft creative mode by record of 300,000 blocks in 3 hours.
6. No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky was developed by Hello Games and was released on August 2016. The objective of the game is very simple – to travel inter-galaxy, and explore the planets found.
The game has been regarded as a game that’s as infinite as the universe itself, or close to it, with over 18 quintillion (18 zeros) planets scattered across its virtual galaxies.
On 2nd June, No Man’s Sky’s Prisms was rolled out as a major free update that overhauls the game’s visuals. Prisms has enhanced the new weather effects including dimensional rain, which refracts the light. Caves can be explored underground, with dynamic lighting that dramatically impacts how the biomes look.
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Part time independent writer and podcaster from Sarawak, Malaysia.