Oleh: Mansurni Abadi
Stand on the battlefront of your dream and fight for it.
Mahmoud Darwish
Lets talk about Gaza, again and again. Over the past decade, Gaza’s socioeconomic situation has been declining due to Israel’s blockade, which severely restricts market access and movement. This has led to a population dependent on international assistance, resulting in impoverishment and de-development of a skilled society.
It is clear that the people of Gaza, who live in the world’s largest open-air prison, have the right to break free from the apartheid government during the 7 October uprising. This is true no matter what their plan is. So far, the water supply in Gaza has been poisoned, their economy has been strangled, and they are regularly bombed. For the Palestinian people, war is something they live with every day.
The Palestinian people have demonstrated their resilience against a brutal occupation system aiming for ethnic cleansing and displacement. Israeli bombings have destroyed residential buildings, markets, journalistic offices, hospitals, and UN facilities, resulting in hundreds of Palestinian civilian deaths, many of which are children.
Israel continues its plan of destruction, aiming to terrorize the civilian population. A total siege on Gaza has been announced, resulting in no electricity, food, water, or fuel. This is part of a broader strategic plan carried out by the Zionist occupying force for over 75 years, including settler-colonialism, apartheid, and denying the right of return to the Palestinian diaspora.
For those of us who stand in solidarity with Palestine, it is crucial to counter the unilateral narrative that the press, western media, and western governments are disseminating, which delegitimizes the Palestinian struggle and makes them complicit in the massacre of civilians perpetuated by the Israeli government.
The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is referred to as ubi maior minor cessat, meaning “where there is the greater, the lesser decays” or “in the presence of those with more power, those with less lose their relevance.” The Zionist State of Israel is the oppressor, while the Palestinian people are the oppressed. The Israeli military has advanced technology, while the Palestinians use simple weapons to protect themselves. Since the Nakba massacre in 1948, Palestinian land has been taken away through illegal settlements, abuse, violence, military repression, and destruction of homes and land.
We also need to remember, Israel’s military industrial complex uses Palestinian territories as a testing ground for weaponry and surveillance technology, which they export to despots and democracies worldwide. For over 50 years, the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza has provided the Israeli state with valuable experience in controlling the Palestinian population. Antony Loewenstein, author of Disaster Capitalism, uncovers this hidden world through secret documents, interviews, and on-the-ground reporting. Palestine has become the perfect laboratory for the Israeli military-techno complex, involving surveillance, home demolitions, indefinite incarceration, and brutality. Israel has become a global leader in spying technology and defense hardware, fueling the world’s most brutal conflicts. As ethno-nationalism grows in the 21st century, Israel has built the ultimate model for such conflicts.
The urgent genocidal situation in Palestine requires global solidarity to restrain the Israeli war machine. Immediate action is needed to prevent the arming of the Israeli state and companies involved in the blockade’s infrastructure, regardless of location. Because now, the next day, or in future, the Palestinians are racing against genocide.
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